Posts Tagged ‘Web 2.0’

Is Your Brand Message Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is the new face of web communication across the business world and it relies on a simple principle, interaction. Gone are the days when the advertising agencies slapped the consumer across the face until they submitted to brand supremacy and hello are the days of consumer power. You simply cannot bully the consumer, you must provide a service they desire and a friendly face that they want to interact with. The friendly face of digital marketing is Web 2.0. Web 2.0 can be found in engaging blogs, online communities and video sharing sites.

So how can you ensure that your brand message is Web 2.0? Start with a simple site which is free from contaminated messages, use a pull factor such as information, games or unique content to entice your consumer and finally interact with the consumer. If a consumer has connected with you then the power of word of mouth marketing fuelled by online communities, is unstoppable. But beware, a bad brand message can destroy your brand because in this Web 2.0 world information spreads like wild fire.
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