Why Bad Designs Can Hurt Your Business?

Are you offering the best product or service in your area, yet you are making the kind of profits that you would like? Chances are, it could be because of your website. Many businesses underestimate the power of having a professionally designed website for their businesses. As a result, their profits are far less than their competitors even though their product or service is better than them.

Make it Simple And Recogniseable
Depending on what your business is about, there are some common factors that are linked to having a good web site. One thing to keep in mind when designing your website is to make it simple and user friendly. The visitors should know what your business offers within 10 seconds after landing on your website. This is why you need to make sure the most important elements are above the fold (the screen they see before scrolling).
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Is Your Brand Message Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is the new face of web communication across the business world and it relies on a simple principle, interaction. Gone are the days when the advertising agencies slapped the consumer across the face until they submitted to brand supremacy and hello are the days of consumer power. You simply cannot bully the consumer, you must provide a service they desire and a friendly face that they want to interact with. The friendly face of digital marketing is Web 2.0. Web 2.0 can be found in engaging blogs, online communities and video sharing sites.

So how can you ensure that your brand message is Web 2.0? Start with a simple site which is free from contaminated messages, use a pull factor such as information, games or unique content to entice your consumer and finally interact with the consumer. If a consumer has connected with you then the power of word of mouth marketing fuelled by online communities, is unstoppable. But beware, a bad brand message can destroy your brand because in this Web 2.0 world information spreads like wild fire.
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The Benefits of Having a Business Blog

Blogging is one of many effective methods to keep your customers informed about your product or service. Building a good relationship with your existing and new customers is the key to succeed in today’s competitive world. You will discover what a business blog can do for you after reading this short article.

So what is a Blog?
A blog, is short for a weblog, which is basically a type of journal where the individual may describe events, products, services, opinions or even offer tips and advice on any chosen topic. Many businesses have started to see the real potential of what blogs can do for their businesses.

Do you need a business Blog?
So, why would anyone need a business blog? Other than the obvious reasons of easy to update and being another channel for your customers to find your business, a business blog can also attract free search engine traffic to your main website. The way that the Blog system was designed, allows the published contents gets indexed a lot faster than normal HTML websites. This means your articles (or blog posts) can get in front of people much quicker than your competitors. For example, if you are selling a certain product, advertising it on your blog would be more likely to be seen than if you put it on your new website.
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Content Writing Tips For Your Business Blog

If you have been blogging for some time you know that it needs to be updated on a regular basis. The most difficult part of blogging is finding interesting topics to write about. You need to focus on what your visitors want to read and not what you want to write. But you should be passionate about the topic you are writing, and your readers can always “feel” it.

A great blog post can easily attract thousands of visitors per day, and this could lead to many unexpected sales or opportunities for your business. If there are enough people talk about your post on the net, you will be receiving a ton of traffic to your website, so make sure your hosting server can handle this before the marketing starts.

One thing that you should never do is to treat blogging like writing an annual report. What this means is that you should use simple words and keep things as short as possible. If a paragraph can be written in three sentences instead of four, then do so. Most people have very short attention span on the Internet because there are so much information available to them now days.
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3 Simple Ways to Build a Website For Your Business

If you have started your own business and are looking for ways to get a website without investing hundreds of pounds, then you will find this short article to be useful.

The truth is that if you do some research on the Internet you will find that there are many tools available to simplify the website building process. To save you time, I will cover three of them in this article and you can decide which one is the best for you.

WordPress – WordPress is free to use blogging content management system. It’s very easy to install and it can be used to build a small 5 pages brochure website or a 500 pages magazine style website. The main benefit is that it allows you to get your business online without spending anything but your time, and you can expand it as your business gets bigger and more profitable. Because WordPress has been on the market for nearly 10 years, most web designers or companies can advice you on many technical aspects, such as how to optimise it for the search engines.
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